Kamis, 21 Januari 2016

Breaking for Healthy Breakfast

Feeding an active family a nutritious menu is never easy, especially when time is short and picky eaters abound. The following strategies for healthy breakfast plus snacks will help you nourish your brood, without the drama.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of a healthy breakfast, and it’s even more critical for kids. A few things to consider:
  • Studies have shown that children who regularly eat breakfast are more likely to meet their recommended dietary intake for vitamins and minerals.
  • When children skip breakfast, they do not typically make up the lost nutrients at other meals of the day.
  • Children who skip breakfast also tend to fill up on nutrient-poor snacks at school and are less likely to consume the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.
  • Research indicates that eating a healthy breakfast positively affects cognitive function and academic performance in children.
  • Evidence also seems to suggest that eating breakfast is associated with less likelihood of being overweight.
  • A good breakfast not only contributes to physical health, it also supports emotional stability and mental alertness.
  • Breakfast also helps promote regular meal patterns and consistent energy intake 

Okay, so breakfast is important. But what kind is best?

The ideal breakfast should have lots of fiber and whole grains, some protein and good fat, and as little added sugar as possible.

Many typical breakfasts fall short on protein, so consider the following protein-rich foods to give you the wakeup you need: 

Make a Green Smoothie

  • Eggs, cooked any way you like them (hard-boiled eggs are easy to have around for a quick protein boost)
  • Unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese with berries
  • Refried beans spread on whole grain toast or tortillas
  • Nut butters
  • Burritos with eggs or beans and cheese on whole grain tortillas
  • All types of natural meat, such as breakfast steaks, lean pork chops, or turkey bacon
  • Hummus on whole grain or corn tortillas
  • Yogurt, hot cereal, or cold cereal with nuts
  • Tempeh
  • Scrambled tofu
  • Unsweetened kefir
  • Cheese sticks with fruit
  • Cream cheese on whole grain crackers

But how do you get them to eat it?

The best ideas are useless if you can’t get your family to try them. How do you encourage everyone in the house to actually eat a good breakfast?

Start by setting aside enough time – just an extra 10 minutes can make a big difference. If your kids are addicted to empty-calorie food like donuts or pastries, offer them their favorite non-breakfast foods, such as pizza, smoothies or any leftovers. 

To wean your family off sugary cereals, try mixing in increasing amounts of unsweetened cereals until their taste buds have adjusted.

Need breakfast on the run? Here are a few that are fun.

  • Smoothie + a dollop of their favorite nut or seed butter
  • Hard-boiled eggs + whole grain crackers + fresh fruit
  • Whole grain toast + cream cheese + sliced strawberries