Sunday, May 8, 2016

10 tips to help you eat more fruits

1.      Keep visible reminders
Keep a bowl of whole fruit on the table, counter, or in the refrigerator. 

2.      Think about taste 
Buy fresh fruits in season when they may be less expensive and at their peak flavor. Add fruits to sweeten a recipe instead of sugar.

3.      Think about variety
Buy fruits that are dried, frozen, and canned (in water or 100% juice) as well as fresh, so that you always have a supply on hand.

4.      Don’t forget the fiber
Make most of your choices whole or cut-up fruit, rather than juice, for the benefits that dietary  fiber provides.

5.      Be a good role model
Set a good example for children by eating fruit every day with meals or as snacks.

6.      Include fruit at breakfast
At breakfast, top your cereal with bananas, peaches, or strawberries; add blueberries to pancakes; drink 100% orange or grapefruit juice. Or, try a fruit mixed with fat-free or low-fat yogurt.

7.      Try fruit at lunch
At lunch, pack a tangerine, banana, or grapes to eat, or choose fruits from a salad bar. Individual containers of fruits like peaches or applesauce are easy and convenient.

8.      Experiment with fruit at dinner, too
At dinner, add crushed pineapple to coleslaw, or include orange sections, dried cranberries, or grapes in a tossed salad. Try fruit salsa on top of fish.

9.      Snack on fruits
Dried fruits make great snacks. They are easy to carry and store well.

10.  Keep fruits safe
Rinse fruits before preparing or eating them. Under clean, running water, rub fruits briskly to remove dirt and surface microorganisms. After rinsing, dry with a clean towel.

( for more information)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sweet Potato, Chickpea & Spinach Curry

“This is a cheap and easy dish. You could add chopped cauliflower, red pepper or aubergine before the sweet potato; throw in shredded cooked chicken with the tomatoes; add raw prawns or white fish pieces 5 minutes before the end of the cooking time; or serve in a flatbread with grated carrot, coriander and shredded lettuce. ”
  • olive oil
  • 2 red onions
  • 3 tablespoons rogan josh paste
  • 1 fresh red chilli
  • 3cm piece of ginger
  • 1 bunch of fresh coriander
  • 3 sweet potatoes
  • 1 x 400 g tin chickpeas
  • 8 ripe tomatoes or 1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes
  • 1 x 400 ml tin light coconut milk
  • 400 g pre-washed spinach
  • Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. 
  • Peel, finely slice and add the onion along with the curry paste, mix well, then cook for 10 minutes, or until the onion is soft and golden, stirring occasionally. 
  • Finely chop the chilli, then peel and finely grate the ginger. Pick the coriander leaves and finely slice the stalks. Chop the sweet potatoes into 2cm chunks.
  • Add the chilli, ginger, coriander stalks and sweet potato to the softened onion. Drain and tip in the chickpeas, then cook for 5 minutes. 
  • Roughly chop and add the fresh tomatoes (if using) or tip in the tinned tomatoes. Add 200ml of water and bring to the boil.  
  • Reduce the heat to a simmer, then cover and cook for 10 to 15 minutes. 
  • Remove the lid, then cook for a further 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until the sweet potato is cooked through and the sauce thickened. 
  • Stir in the coconut milk and cook for a couple of minutes, then stir in the spinach and cook until wilted. 
  • Scatter over the coriander leaves, then serve with poppadoms and rice, if you like.    
To freeze the curry for another time, leave it to cool in the pan, then spoon into portion-sized containers or freezer bags and freeze. The curry will keep there for up to 3 months. (source at

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Best Smoothie Recipes to Eliminate Fat Fast

Best Smoothie Recipes - Call
You will be astonished when you discover this amazing combination of secret superfoods that will give your body what it takes to melt fat off in record time. These ancient superfoods are far better than any commercial diet pill, fad drink, or potion on the planet!

You will lose weight, enjoy a renewed feeling of youthful vitality, and have so much energy you won’t know what to do with it. Many participants say they feel like teenagers again. Most of the so-called foods in modern, Western civilization are nothing but garbage. GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical flavorings, chemical colorings, preservatives, and weird animal byproducts you’d be shocked to hear about are lurking in almost everything you eat. But now we have great news for everyone. 

Discovered the Best smoothie recipes that will begin to transform your body in just a few days, and leave you looking and feeling like a whole new person in a matter of weeks. 

Best smoothie recipes for detox will explain in depth how and why these superfoods will help you burn fat, recharge your body, detoxify your entire system, and regain youthful vitality so you can enjoy better health and feel fantastic.

Best Smoothie Recipes
Don’t worry though – despite their healthy properties, these fruit smoothie recipes are delicious. They taste so much better than things that come out of boxes and cans, and they’re completely free of the harmful preservatives and other additives that are slowly making you fat and sick while leading you toward an early death.

We know that processed foods are easily among the most dangerous substances you can put into your body. Since most contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms), which have been linked to organ damage, cancer, and infertility – and which have been banned in some places –they pollute your organs and bloodstream. 

Processed foods may contain ingredients that sound like whole, wholesome foods, but they have been disassembled for longer shelf lives. Their natural enzymes, fiber, and vitamins have been processed and even removed, and additives that wreak havoc on your sensitive digestive system have been injected in their place. They disrupt your body’s natural balance, disturb its beneficial bacterial ecosystem, and increase inflammation while they make you fatter and unhealthier than ever. 

In contrast, these red smoothie are mouthwatering natural marvels that replenish your body. Combined with water-rich fruits that will wake your taste buds from their slumber, they provide you with all the natural amino acids, sugars, vitamins, and mineral salts your body craves on a cellular level. 

Best Smoothie Recipes - Call2

Fruit Smoothie Recipes, Experience Unlimited Energy

People all over the US – and beyond – suffer from obesity, as well as related metabolic diseases that leave them feeling tired and run down. They rely heavily on stimulants including coffee, toxic soda and diet soda, and poisonous tobacco products to get them through their days, then they unwind in the evening with a mind-numbing array of alcoholic beverages that leave them feeling even more sluggish in the morning. It’s an endless cycle that often seems impossible to stop.

Fruit Smoothie Recipes

The standard American diet, which is appropriately termed SAD, is chock-full of ingredients that lead to energy highs and lows that leave you feeling run-down and starved. The very foods that are poisoning you are the same ones that you’re addicted to. The sugar and simple carbohydrates they contain leave you wanting more and more of the same.

Yet, despite eating hundreds or thousands of extra calories each day, you still feel like you need more. And all too often, this leads to feelings of overwhelming guilt and shame.

To compensate, many turn to fad diets that do nothing but leave them starving, grouchy, and even more exhausted. In desperation, they go back to their old ways, exchanging one set of miserable conditions for another, more familiar and seemingly more comfortable way of living.

Fruit Smoothie Recipes - Call
Fruit smoothie recipes for detox, teaches you to get rid of the toxic foods that are slowly poisoning your body and mind. Delicious Incan superfoods revered by ancient people provide you with natural energy that leaves you feeling alert, focused, and ready to face any challenge head-on, while placing your body in fat-burning mode.

Following fruit smoothie recipes for detox will lead you to a life that includes deep, restful sleep, reversed illness, and a powerful immune system that will help you beat illnesses everyone around you seems to get. Best smoothie recipes serve as the basis for this life-changing plan. Packed with the nutrients your body craves, they increase your daily dose of antioxidants, helping to reduce your risk of serious conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

Red Smoothie for detox offers a simple, step-by-step process, and by making a few easy changes, you’ll transform your body and your life for the better.

Red Smoothie Banish Fat for Good

If you’re among the millions of people who suffer from a flabby midsection, you may have been told that you’re too far gone. Maybe others have laughed, told you there’s nothing you can do to change, or attempted to make you feel better by blaming heredity. 

Red Smoothie

Perhaps you’ve been told that eating only cabbage soup or drinking a nauseating blend of apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper will help, only to fail miserably at sticking with such a difficult regimen. The truth is that banishing the belly fat that keeps you from living the life you want is simple. There’s no endless exercise, bland soup, or horrifying drink involved.

For years now, has studied people of all kinds – men, women, teens, and even kids – who were well over their ideal body weight; in some cases, more than 100 pounds overweight. And these were people from all walks of life, including women who had had multiple children, men who’d spent decades downing burgers and beer, and kids who took the term “junk food junkie” to whole new levels.

And, after following the Red Smoothie for detox, 89% of them were able to lose a significant amount of weight, fitting into clothing they never dreamed they’d be able to wear.

Red Smoothie - Call

This fruit smoothie recipes will discover the exact list of foods that will help clear toxins from your body while helping you lose weight. In the process, you’ll rediscover something you may have lost – a joyful, passionate zest for life.

If you suffer from chronic pain or illness, you may enjoy a full or partial reversal of symptoms. Red smoothie offers a simple, step-by-step process, and by making a few easy changes, you’ll transform your body and your life for the better.

Wear the clothes you’ve always wanted to wear. Really enjoy swimsuit season! Learn to scuba dive, or climb to the top of a mountain and celebrate your newfound body. Relish the sensation of feeling lighter and younger than you have in a long time. Feel the best smoothie recipes.